Languages and Tutoring Academy

Languages & tutoring Academy offers a variety of study options in all levels, from beginner to advanced, and all forms from private tutoring to group lessons. Prices vary based on the course’s length and size.
Fees & Enrollment Forms
Tutoring 6 grade and under / all school sujects
Tutoring :all subjects
Language & Tutoring Academy offers tutoring services for students of all ages. Tutoring is available in all school subjects including Math and Chemistry.
Our teachers will work with your child to help him or her better understand the school subjects. We can offer just a few sessions before a big test or provide support throughout the semester and along the year .
PRICE: $ 35/Hr
Our tutoring twice-a-week program is only about $30 per hour.
Languages and Tutoring Academy language and tutoring programs are priced to suit all budgets and can be tailored to accommodate the student’s schedule or specific academic needs. Most programs are per hour depending on the grade and program-level
All Languages
Standard Program |2 lessons per week |6 weeks
Languages & Tutoring Academy offers different formats and levels of langugage group classes. For students with very specific goals, our language school also offers private, customized language instruction as well.
Languages & Tutoring Academy offers Group and Private language classes in Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, English and French on a regular basis for all ages.
Please Contact us if you need any help at 567-220-1601.
PRICE: $229 + Textbook
All Languages
Intensive Program | 3 lessons per week | 6 weeks
For those students who seek fo very good language skills in very short time. We offer different intensive sessions . Usually taught in affordable very small group sessions or private instruction. Learn more about our affordable rates when you contact us at 567-220-1601.
PRICE: $350 + Textbook
All Languages
Private Tutoring per hour
Is your Schedule look so busy? Probably, private instruction will work around your busy day. Our language instructors will meet you at a convenient time and at a convenient location.They will even come to your office or house or you just come to our office.To learn more about our Private language tutoring Programs, Please contact us at 567-220-1601
PRICE: $35 /hr
Exam Preparation
4 lessons per week | 6 weeks
Get yourself prepared and gain confidence with our semi-intensive course or intensive course designed to increase your understanding of the TOEFL test or to any other test you need to take and achieve the score you plan to attend. To learn more about our semi-intensive and intensive sessions, Please contact us at 567-220-1601
PRICE: $575 /Session
Business classes/all languages
2 lessons per week | 8 weeks
Languages & Tutoring Academy offers private one-on-one classes for individual students as well as private group classes formed by companies, organization or groups of individuals. These classes are available at our office or your place of business. The student will decide when and how frequently his classes will be held. Buisiness Classes are available morning, afternoon and evening.To lern more about our Buisinessclasses, please contact us at 567-220-1601.
PRICE: $350 / Session
Business Classes/ all languages
Private Tutoring
Languages & Tutoring Academy offers private one-on-one classes for individual students as well as private group classes formed by companies, organization or groups of individuals. These classes are available at our office or your place of business. The student will decide when and how frequently his classes will be held. Buisiness Classes are available morning, afternoon and evening.To lern more about our Buisinessclasses, please contact us at 567-220-1601
PRICE: $50/hr
Tutoring 7 grade and above / all school sujects
Language & Tutoring Academy offers tutoring services for students of all ages. Tutoring is available in all school subjects including Math and Chemistry.
Our teachers will work with your child to help him or her better understand the school subjects. We can offer just a few sessions before a big test or provide support throughout the semester and along the year .
PRICE: 40/hr